Remote Vehicle Takeover Via The Keyhole GPS On-Board Computer System
Princess Diana was murdered by the British Intelligence services… It was NOT an accident.
They used the ‘Keyhole’ satellite GPS tracking system (as used by the military, Intel services, & Google!), connected to the on-board computer system to interfere with & remotely take over the steering controls of the car after blinding the driver with a military grade strobe flash light that is also used by police officers to stun people into submission by totally blinding them for at least 30 seconds.
There was a witness to it all but he was never heard in court. Nor was he interviewed by the press…..WHY?
Why has the guy who owned the Mercedes they were killed in & who rented a fleet of them to the Ritz hotel in Paris never been able to secure the return of the wrecked vehicle despite it still being kept locked up in a storage container in France?
I’ll tell you why…. Because the on-board vehicle computer system holds the evidence for exactly what happened with the car & the fact that it was accessed remotely through the GPS on-board computer system connected to the main Mercedes dealership computer systems AND the security services of the UK.
I have seen this procedure working in action many times over the last two years, as have others who were with me on separate occasions.
Diana was murdered. She had outlived her usefulness & Charles wanted her out of the way to usher in Camilla.
Diana was a targeted individual right from the start of her relationship with Charles.
The royals tried to paint her as mentally unstable as soon as she gave birth to William… it never stopped.
They backed off a little after she became uber popular, but the intel services always targeted her with the same equipment that many of us are being targeted with, & the royals KNEW IT.
She was simply used to breed the heir & the spare…. I believe this is the main reason Harry left the UK & cut his family off. He & William were far too close for it to be anything else that would cause such a deep & cold rift.
I know how they murdered her…it was all a psyop & meticulously planned for years previously.
The only person wearing a seatbelt that night, despite Mohammed Al Fayad having a directive that his son & any guests were to wear seatbelts at all times whilst travelling, was the Met Police royal security officer Trevor Rees Jones. He was also the only person in the car whose air bags deployed.
Diana didn’t die instantly like the driver Henri Paul & Dodi Fayad due to the fact that she was leaning forward with her arm on the side of the front passenger seat & was in the middle of the back seat so was partly shielded by the air bags deployed in front & to the sides of Trevor Rees Jones… Henri & Dodi died on impact after the car smashed into the tunnel wall. There are photographs taken by paparazzi as Diana left the Ritz hotel that showed her sitting in that position in the back of the car going into the tunnel.
A LONE motorbike was seen by the only witness who was driving in the tunnel a few cars distance ahead of Diana’s car… The motorbike was seen overtaking her car & then a blinding flash of light was seen before the bike stopped & the pillion rider dismounted, walked up to Diana’s car, gave a thumbs up to the bike rider & then the two sped off past the witness’s car that had stopped momentarily to watch the proceedings unfold…
British Military & Intel services are notoriously attached to their motorbikes, especially for jobs like that. & they are all bikers in their personal time when not flying around in sports cars!
I have investigated these men for over 5 years now…I know them very well.
According to the French eye witness to the events that night in the tunnel, Diana’s car lost control after the “flash of light” & appeared to swerve wildly to & fro before hitting the wall.
It was British Intel services, & it was murder… I have no doubt at all.
Diana was pregnant by Dodi, they had told his father that night & the call was monitored, as was everything in her life. The powers that be didn’t want her to move to the US as she was planning to, & to then give birth to an Arab’s child who would then be related to the future king of England & his spare….
Charles wanted her out of the way so he could finally be with Camilla & the only way to do that so she would be accepted by the British public , the royal protocol, & the world, was to be a widower!
Diana had to die.
The holiday in France with Dodi was the perfect way to do it as it meant she could be eliminated off British soil! The investigation would have to be conducted by the French authorities, who were, of course, totally involved in the cover up operation & the sloppy investigation.
The male witness in the car in front of them in the tunnel that night saw everything but he was never interviewed, nor did he give court evidence during the alleged investigation into the crash.
Why did they not rush Diana to the nearest hospital…it wasn’t far away? Why wait over an hour? They didn’t need to.
How did the royal family not kick up a fuss about the French embalming her body before it was flown back to the UK? …. Because it prevented anyone finding out she was pregnant!
The pictures that were taken of her in a bathing costume during her holiday in France with Dodi on the yacht show a small tummy bump that looks like an early pregnancy bump…. right shape & right height on the tummy!
Diana was visited by an ex British intel services operative at Kensington palace who told her she was going to be murdered, how it would be achieved, & that she was being targeted … Diana knew a lot more than she told the world during her interviews…. & for several years before she died.
Her closest friends knew exactly what was going on but they are all too scared to talk for fear of ending up the same way!
That ex British intel services guy also gave her advice on ways to prevent the in house surveillance that was being conducted inside Kensington palace… One of those suggestions was to advise her to remove all mirrors…
Lasers are used to reflect what is going on inside rooms with the use of mirrors & the British Telecoms wiring systems running through all properties is used for blanket surveillance audio monitoring, & it has been since the 90’s.
Diana was a targeted individual & had been since her very quick engagement to Charles. She was purposely picked for her vulnerabilities & how easily she could be manipulated. She was also completely unworldly wise & a virgin, with no suspicions at all that Charles would never stop seeing Camilla.
The only thing they didn’t plan for was Diana’s popularity with the public! That is what kept her alive for so long.
Remember they tried to paint a picture of her being mentally unbalanced & trying to throw herself down the stairs after finding out Charles was still involved with Camilla shortly after William was born…. Classic targeting programs. “Tell everyone they are mentally disturbed to discredit them”……
I’m glad Harry had the balls to stand up for his rights & his principles & left the UK with his wife & child….good luck to him.
I had planned to go to see Mr Al Fayad to tell him about the evidence I had found at the beginning of 2023, but I didn’t have time to do it before he died. I would have liked to have given him peace of mind & tell him that his suspicion of the royals & the intel services for the murder of Dodi & Diana was totally justified.
That poor man mourned the loss of his murdered beloved son every day, for the rest of his life, & he had to live with the knowledge that it was all engineered & covered up to allow Charles to marry Camilla.
Below is a documentary made by British actor Kieth Allen which brings up several interesting points concerning the cover up & conspiracy, & the lies that were told to perpetuate them… It also contains statements & interviews from many influential people, some of whom work within the legal system, who all believe Diana was murdered due to the evidence that points towards it...
Kieth was insightful enough to have a reporter working for him who sat in with all the journalists who were covering the British court enquiry held at the Royal Courts of Justice & that reporter made notes on every single conversation shared between all the journalists during that time period….
Again, I would remind everyone that there was NO MENTION during that enquiry, or at any other time for that matter, of the French driver who was in front of Diana’s car in the tunnel & who saw the whole thing go down with the secret service guys on the motorbike with the military grade strobe flash light!
There was also a documentary released a few years ago by a journalist/documentary maker who investigated all this himself & also interviewed many people both in the UK AND in France, including the tunnel witness to the actual crash…. When I find it I will post the link.
We live in a dreadful world now, run by monsters.
Iain Davis substack series covering Richard D Hall Manchester court case is fascinating. Hall's Jo Cox video asks many questions. Same modus operandi.
Has Kate been seen lately ?