POLICE-RECRUITED & PAID FAKE “anti immigrant” rioters in Middlesborough… August 2024.
Watch the video then read the accompanying very brief article from the Daily Mail this morning on the latest BS from Middlesborough…
OK… I am now going to put my knowledge about what the British Police Force as a whole are involved in on several levels working alongside the 77th Brigade Psyops unit of the Army & the British intel services. (& this goes back decades).
I have investigated & researched these guys in-depth & at very close quarters for the last 5.5 years so I am totally confident in this post & its contents.
These so called anti immigration yobs/rioters seen harassing drivers in Middlesborough over the weekend by stopping them & demanding to know “If they are white & British”? is ALL FAKERY.
Police have on their ‘permanent payroll’ huge swathes of the British gypsy community who are now living in swanky council estate houses, usually in large groups of properties in the same street, or very close by….
Ask yourself this: Until recent years Gypsies have protested their rights to live in their mobile homes on land designated for their ‘sites’…some of those sites have been in existence for years & are extensive in size. They are managed solely by the ‘leader’ of that group/community.
They have demanded their “Gypsy Heritage & Tradition” be respected by the authorities by not forcing them to move into houses… They have been paid a lot of money by documentary makers for various TV companies over the last 30 years to protest just that…
So, WHY have they suddenly upped sticks, abandoned their mobile homes & moved, en masse, into council houses over the last 10 or so years?
Why have they not ALL done so?
Its obviously nothing to do with the local councils closing down the community sites that were occupied successfully & permanently by those gypsies for decades previously as there are still the odd few living on them & the abandoned mobile homes owned by the ones who have moved into council houses are being left empty to rot despite there being nothing wrong with them.
Police officers heavily involved with the psyops units have permanently hired the gypsies to harass certain targeted neighbours &/or locals on their behalf as & when needed so nothing can be traced back to them & the government funded psyop units.
They are hired to cause vandalism to property & vehicle damage to harassment victims…
They are used to steal pets from the gardens of harassment victims…
They can be called upon to mobilise single persons or whole teams of individuals to continue the harassment campaigns if a victim or an entire family/household of victims travels out of the area, or goes abroad for holidays… This is done by the gypsy network now firmly established on every single council/social housing estate in the UK, including Northern Ireland.
I lived in NI for 6 months from Aug 2022 to Jan 2023 & experienced this myself during that time on TWO separate occasions… T
The first encounter was innocuous enough & involved a gypsy woman travelling with her 11 year old son who said she was from Bristol & lived in a council property there managing to befriend me on the night ferry sailing over to Ireland! The second encounter involved another female a couple of weeks later trying to start an argument in public with me which I stopped in its tracks before leaving the scene with my friend. I later found the girl had purposely dropped one of her gold rings into my handbag so I took it to the local PSNI police station & told them she had verbally attacked me & dropped her ring into my bag at the same time & they should check the CCTV footage of the premises we were in at the time!
That put a stop to any further harassment issues from that side of things for the remainder of my 6 month stay in Ireland, although I was harassed online for a while by some male gypsies. (I have southern Irish roots on my fathers maternal side & can spot gypsies a mile away, & vice versa!).
The team leaders of these housing estate gypsy communities both on the mainland UK & in Ireland are paid huge sums of money to ensure total compliance with police directives for these harassment & vandalism campaigns 24/7.
They are paid via cash lump sums, foreign investments, holiday homes, etc. They often purchase expensive cars & motorbikes with the money.
The ‘local harassment workforce’ are known colloquially as “SITTERS” due to the fact that they sit on the victims to monitor their movements & cause maximum harassment at all times & wherever they go.
The rest of the groups are paid via FAKE social security claims that see them paid £100 per week…this is done through the back door system of the official “Police Informants Payment System” which was set up decades ago to ensure that snitches were kept on the books & paid well for their efforts of informing police of criminal activity on a regular basis without the fear of anyone finding out they were being paid by police…. a benefits claim isn’t suspicious to anyone at all in the UK!
& its not just the gypsies that are heavily involved with this…its ordinary people in all walks of life & they are all paid very well for their services.
& YES, before you go doubting any of this I HAVE OFFICIAL EVIDENCE TO BACK THIS UP & HAVE POSTED IT PREVIOUSLY so don’t bother replying with any derogatory comments!
Considering the amount of ‘professional journalists’ we seem to have floating around these groups on Substack charging people for the privilege of reading all their posts I’m surprised none of them have asked me for the full story on any of the things I have published over the last 10 months seeing as it would cause an immense scandal nationwide… & possibly genuine riots!
So, now we come to the reason I have written this post… The Middlesborough riots that have taken place this last weekend here in the UK involving youths & men, several on BMX bikes, stopping locals as they are driving through a busy central town crossroad junction to demand to know “If they are white & if they are ENGLISH?”
The story in the press has painted it as a huge ‘racist’ mass of ‘yobs’ rioting & terrifying locals. They have also covered ‘looters’ ransacking shops as this ‘riot’ went on, & that police have allegedly arrested hundreds.
And don’t be fooled…. its NOT just the gypsy community that has been on the police psyops units payroll for years…. there are muslims involved too who can be called upon to cause trouble & protest with violence at the drop of a phone call!
This entire situation has been orchestrated over the last week or so to cause dissent amongst the population as a whole & to allow the government to usher in under emergency measures the martial law they have been drooling over for the last 5 decades since Maggie Thatcher started salivating over the thought of initiating it during the miners strikes! They did employ the use of the Army for that…& several other instances over the years that were similar.
Northern Ireland was used as a practice run for EVERYTHING that is taking place now.
ALL senior British Police, Military, & Intel services men have worked together in Northern Ireland during the troubles at some stage in their careers…. The ones who are retired are STILL heading things up by running this top secret shadow organisation that run the frequency towers & the targeting campaigns worldwide… not just here in the UK!
They have all worked in the anti terrorist, major crimes, murder, hostage taking & negotiations units, prostitution units, drug units, armed officer units, personal protection units, etc etc etc…
THE supposedly defunct London Metropolitan Police “GHOST SQUAD” from the 90’s IS VERY MUCH STILL IN OPERATION, but now covers POLICE, MILITARY, & INTEL SERVICES OPERATIVES all working together as one specialised group of psychopaths who are capable of the most depraved & barbaric behaviour, & they work in 3 shifts daily seven days a week 365 days a year & they absolutely LOVE their jobs.
The public is led to believe that the only psyops unit in the UK is the 77th Brigade of the Army…. NOT SO!
The Southern Irish army is also involved working from Dublin, as are the members from the Ghost Squad.
One of the main men leading this top secret & government backed group of deranged monsters is ex Chief Superintendent for Sussex Police Russ Whitfield… retired in 2012 but was involved with this group from at least 1991 when he was a CID detective in Brighton, West Sussex. I had a brief fling with him at that time! He had me drugged & gang raped when I stopped sleeping with him. I was 25 years old.
Another top man in this secret organisation is Detective Superintendent Brian Quinn who is still employed by the Met police… He has stalked the living shit out of me at VERY close quarters since at least 2005! I & 30 other witnesses have seen him at all my properties, around all my properties, & at various venues keeping a watchful eye on me over the last 19 years.
I am a holistic healer & massage therapist… My first encounter with the ever delightful Brian was in summer 2005 when he came to see me for a massage & got very upset when I would agree to give him a blow-job as well.
He introduced himself by his real name, ( tall, Scottish, medium build, now has proper short cropped silver hair with very round brown eyes & a very round tight hairline…reminds me a of a Capuchin monkey), he said “I’m here on business & to play golf, are you going to suck my cock as well?”… I declined. & also declined to give him a refund when he asked again at the end of the massage!
I had no idea that he would spend the next 19 years stalking me at close quarters & destroying my life in small increments until he totally obliterated it in 2019 with his buddies… (I posted about this at the end of last year.. “the rape, the kidnap etc”).
Brian worked very closely with the British army reservist units in Sussex whilst I was living there after my kidnap & rape ordeal in 2019, 2021, & early 2022, & then with the southern Irish army psyops unit whilst I was living in Enniskillen / Derrygonnelly Northern Ireland during the last 6 months of 2022! I spotted him all over the place…he even hired an entire floor of a warehouse right behind my council house in Hastings whilst I was there & he & the boys were photographed by me & also spotted by several neighbours wondering around the wooded area in between the warehouse & our homes! Comical to say the least from supposedly professional spies!
I even know where Brian & Russ are now living due to their sloppy hacking activities & my previous & rather fortuitous use of Yandex systems email & browser!
Russ Whitfield recently had to up sticks & move home base operations from Abergavenny in Gwent, Wales over to Powys in Wales due to me releasing his base of operations & home address to the general public on here…
& the delightful Brian Quinn lives at 35 Clewer Park near Windsor castle… he also has several other properties dotted about both here & abroad…as do all the guys involved with this dreadful behaviour.
I have covered all of this stuff in previous in depth posts. But not everything….as yet!
So, in closing, these so called RIOTS are being mass organised by police units & this secret psyops group to usher in state rule across the board.
The next set of fakery pandemics is well under way with the latest bullshit bird flu garbage & the forced vaccinations of humans & animals, & as usual the great unwashed will simply comply & do exactly as they are told because they have been brain trained into total obedience & i’m fucking sick of watching it unfold with no resistance from anyone at all except a small group of people still in possession of their faculties who are vastly outnumbered by sociopathic fuckwits in positions of authority.
Oh, & as a sideline piece of sound advice…. STOP VACCINATING YOUR PETS. Its Morgellons Bio Tech & its connecting them to the frequency grid system to cause illness, disease & make millions for Big Pharma, who all these wankers are heavily invested in.
Test it for yourself…. Shave a small section very close to the skin (gets skin flakes as well as hair), from your pet… shave it onto a white plain piece of paper & look at it all under a 40X magnification jewellers loop that has an LED light built into it… available from Ebay & Amazon.
Coloured fibres! Wait a week then look at the shaved area on your pet with that same jewellers loop with the LED light turned on… coloured fibres growing from the hair follicles….
Try it on your own forearms…. same thing! & the back of your index fingers is especially lucrative for this shit… the fake hairs grow through with your own hairs but are much fatter & blunt /sharp ended when stroked across your lips… try it first without shaving the finger, then a few days afterwards. Shave in the direction the hairs grow which is towards the finger tips…not against the flow…same as shaving your legs as it prevents sharp stubble…. But NOT when its Morgellons fibres…they are a different texture altogether & multi coloured or translucent.
Thank you Christina. Sadly, more business as usual. Once you're on to this evil group, things never look the same again. Thanks again for all the dangerous, hard work you do, and have done, for all of us!
Fascinating chronicle of your experience. Yes, the psyops are all going on simultaneously.