The FREE areas where torture & mass surveillance never happens.
I have discovered there are “EXCLUSION ZONES” dotted around all over towns, cities, & in the rural areas of the UK… this means they exist everywhere, worldwide.
These “Exclusion Zones” have a completely different frequency vibration surrounding them than all other ‘non exclusion zones’ & you can tell immediately when you have entered or exited one…
These “Exclusion Zones” are characterised by:
1/. The sudden lack of hissing, high pitched & whistling tinnitus upon entering them…. & its immediate return upon exiting the “Zone”.
2/. The sudden lack of pressure all around the back & sides of the head… & its immediate return upon exiting the “Zone”.
3/. The sudden lack of pressure across the back, & in the lungs, & a cessation of laboured breathing… & its immediate return upon exiting the “Zone”.
4/. The sudden lack of external body pressure, joint stiffness & aches… & its immediate return upon exiting the “Zone”.
5/. The sudden lack of lethargy…& its immediate return upon exiting the “Zone”.
6/. The sudden lack of extreme muscle tightness & pain…& its immediate return upon exiting the “Zone”.
7/. A sudden RUSH of peacefulness, whole body relaxation, & positivity whilst inside the “Zone” & then the return to all the above symptoms of frequency modulation torture upon exiting the “Zone”.
I have encountered these zones on numerous occasions over the last 18 years. The first time being when I was dating a millionaire who had a huge country mansion in a small rural village called Stithians, in Cornwall, South West UK…
He actually told me that his home was “In an exclusion zone” when I asked if it was safe to sunbathe in my underwear in his grounds as I was worried about aircraft & spyware from the local military base situated a few miles away in Helston (RNAS Culdrose) spotting me… (They were known for spying & filming in the local areas & then sharing the footage amongst their buddies & the online web groups… I’ve covered this previously in a separate post!
He assured me that it was safe as he was “In an exclusion zone” but wouldn’t discuss it further when I asked him to explain what he meant!
I put it to the back of my mind & didn’t bother to question it again due to the fact that at that time I had no idea at all that any of this shit existed & I wasn’t being openly targeted by some of the monsters working at that base & their police force colleagues involved in this dreadful population control agenda, so it wasn’t until last year that the penny finally dropped & I realised what it was I had been experiencing in these specific locations….. & that is - FREQUENCY MODULATION DIFFERENCES.
The frequency modulations that are being emitted in all directions from the towers, & in turn from the HAARP facilities that they are connected to around the globe, are causing untold harm to every living thing on this planet.
They form a blanket network through the air that permeates inside our homes & even under ground beneath our very feet & homes.
Those frequencies are even carried throughout public transport systems & inside our vehicles as we drive them. They are connected by WIFI to all the thousands of towers we see every hundred yards or so in all directions, & the antennas we see in all underground transport systems, even in tourist attractions & caves! - There is no escape.
This blanket network is carrying the myriad of different frequency signals that the tower equipment apparatus is programmed to churn out 24/7, depending on what its use is designated for... (I will go into the different uses in another post).
Everything that lives, works, & travels within those blanket network frequency areas is being negatively affected on a 24 hour daily basis, year in, year out, until sickness & death prevail.
EXCEPT for the “Exclusion Zones”…
These zones are lived in by Senior Police Officers, both serving & retired.
By Local MP’s.
By Doctors & Psychiatrists heavily involved with this program who are earning extra money for the parts they are playing in destroying their patients lives by hiding the truth of what is causing their illnesses & instead heavily medicating them to dull the symptoms.
By local government employees on the payroll.
By Housing officers on the payroll.
By Wealthy Masonic business owners involved & on the payroll.
By Military personnel heavily involved with this program.
By the close Family members of those directly involved with this program.
By certain ground level workers (“Sitters”) hired by police officers within local communities.
& by the Wealthy.
The people living in those “Exclusion Zones” don’t suffer with obesity issues, depression, joint & mobility issues, sudden hair loss, tooth loss, brain fog, etc. They are all healthy & happy. Their children & pets are healthy & happy.
Their garden plants & trees thrive & they don’t have any burnt leaves on them with obvious microwave damage & malformed badly ripened fruits.
There will often be a very heavy percentage of occupants in that “Exclusion Zone” that all work within this program, & they are all interconnected.
They have certain health routines they rigidly stick to to keep them ‘damage free’ whilst outside of their home environment, & they have their kids on the same regimens….
Its a real mind Fu*k when you walk down a street & turn a corner into another one & all of a sudden every symptom you have for being exposed to massive amounts of EMF just disappears to almost nothing!
Or if you drive down a road & into another one & that same thing happens…. You can tell when you are coming close to the entry & exit points of these “Exclusion Zones” by how it affects your tinnitus & body pressure levels…Its really mind blowing to experience the change.
If you have a dog with you they too will react to the change, especially if its a park area where the houses in the “Exclusion Zone” are located & you can sit for a while to soak it all in & give your body a chance to ‘relax’ from the heavy & unrelenting frequency exposure outside of the zones…
You will notice within less than a minute how your dog seems to completely relax there… Even their breathing changes.
There are hundreds of these zones everywhere…. maybe just one street out of ten, but they are literally everywhere & sometimes cover large areas with multiple streets involved, due to the people living there.
An entire area in Falmouth, Cornwall is a designated “Exclusion Zone” due to there being so many of the guys from the military base in Helston having expensive & huge houses there…. right across the road from Gyllyngvase beach.
They take sea swims daily, the entire family & their dogs, for at least 20 to 30 mins all year round.
They use dry saunas almost daily…the whole family… a lot use the St Michaels Hotel by the beach there for this activity before going into the sea for half an hour!
If you take your dog on the beach & they have their’s there they will actively try to keep their dog in the water until you have gone a safe distance away to stop any cross contamination between the dogs due to the fact that they DO NOT have their pets vaccinated for anything at all…. same as their kids! All 100% healthy & bio tech free.
The vaccinations ( & all injectables) carry the bio tech which connects everything to the towers & the frequency modulations... Effectively turning us & our pets into reception & transmission antennas.
The rigid & regimented use of the dry saunas & the high salt content of the sea water swimming is definitely connected to keeping the bio film this shit produces under control & stopping it from proliferating to cause problems from the frequency towers when they are outside of their safe zones…
So is making sure they are all exposed to natural sunlight as often as possible, & why they take several holidays each year to maintain good sun level exposure…
I am 100% certain that regular (preferably frequent/daily), sunlight exposure plays a huge role in interfering with the bio film, & its why the chemtrails are actively blocking it from our skies.
Many people have noticed over the last few years that even sitting in the sun for just a few minutes can make their skin feel like it is intensely burning when it isn’t!… THIS is the effect of the bio film being aggravated & interfered with by the sun’s radiation!
The more exposure you can get the better… Sunbathe like your life depended on it…it may just!
Its all interconnected.
I am also now beginning to think that RIFE frequency technology is playing the part of keeping those “Exclusion Zones” safe & free from the harmful effects of the blanket frequencies now enveloping every inch of our skies & being emitted from the towers.
I will experiment with the RIFE over the coming weeks to test my theory.
If anyone has any concrete info regarding the RIFE tech & these”Exclusion Zones” please message me. Or indeed if you yourself know anything about these zones!
Stay safe…. its a dangerous world out there.
Wow.. Its insane to think we live in a world like this... my soul weeps
Christina, while I don't doubt anything you are saying, especially when based on your own experience, I wonder how these free zones can effectively be created. Don't wind gusts push the toxins of the geo-engineering into the free zones? How about the nano-bots in the oceans and seas? Aren't they being spread wherever the current takes them? If the salinity of the sea is protective, the Dead Sea in Israel must be super with its high salt content. The effect of saunas, especially infra-red and near infra are well known. It penetrates the body and raises body temperature, which are useful in de-toxifying.