Aug 13Liked by Christina Gerrard

Wow.. Its insane to think we live in a world like this... my soul weeps

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Yes it is… Over the last 5.5 years of my research & investigations I have often sat in my car staring out of the window wondering when the hell this is all going to end!

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Aug 13Liked by Christina Gerrard

Agree. Sad state of affairs.

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This targeting is the reality we must accept. In any situation, one can't control the events, but one can control one's responses. My body has been scarred from head to toe, but from the beginning I knew my mind was the real target, and so my response to this murderous crime was and is to train my mind to be positive, constructive, focused. After a 10 day fast, I realized that that the thieves and murders had god-like powers, but were no match for GOD, the LORD of ALL, the DIVINE SUPER POWER, so I turned and focused my attention in that direction, and though it's been a 13 year climb, every day is better than the day before.

This circumstance will show you what you're made of .

"Blessed are warriors given the chance of a battle like this, which calls them to do what is right, and opens the gates of heaven. If you are killed you gain heaven, triumph, you gain the earth. So stand up, Arjuna, and steady your mind to fight"

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Aug 13Liked by Christina Gerrard

FYI, idk why but when I point my green lazer beam into the hot side of a wall plug, i feel relief, blood circulation returns, tinitus reduces. Maybe it produces a jammer field throughout the whole house. Some matt jaob on SS are doing green lazer IV and reduced nanotech by 90% in 40 minutes. A crowd of people in chile pointed several green lazers at a spy drone, it came down, why, idk. Let me know if you try it.

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That sounds extremely interesting…. Where did you get your laser from? is it the pen type…pointer thing…. I will have to get one & try it for myself.

Thank you!

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Yes i have the pointer thing, downside is, its charge only lasts for 10 minutes ($15 on amazon). A plug in lazer pointer would allow a longer duration ($100). A www.laseros.com lazer cube is being used to treat the whole body. www.emeraldlazer.com is a treatment that targets lipids, question is, will it also affect the LIPID-graphene, idk but maybe. An idea to treat the sky or atleast to bring more awareness about chem sky trails, is to point the lazer cube or several pointers at the trails as a photo op. Leave no stone unturned.

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Aug 14Liked by Christina Gerrard

Christina, while I don't doubt anything you are saying, especially when based on your own experience, I wonder how these free zones can effectively be created. Don't wind gusts push the toxins of the geo-engineering into the free zones? How about the nano-bots in the oceans and seas? Aren't they being spread wherever the current takes them? If the salinity of the sea is protective, the Dead Sea in Israel must be super with its high salt content. The effect of saunas, especially infra-red and near infra are well known. It penetrates the body and raises body temperature, which are useful in de-toxifying.

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FREQUENCIES are used to create the Exclusion Zones, it has nothing to do with nano bots or anything being carried in the air. The frequencies are what makes people sick…. everything else is simply a carrier for them. Once the bio tech is in our systems it effectively turns us in walking antennas for the frequencies.

Without the frequencies all the carrier tech has no effect.

The sea with its high salt content is a natural grounding source & rids the body of all frequency currents. The high salt content affects the bio film formed on the skin to break it down… The use of the DRY sauna also helps to break it down AND purge it from within due to the body temperature rising & the pores opening wide… Once the bio film begins to break down it is a simple process of elimination. It NEEDS the frequencies to keep self replicating inside our bodies….which then carries it through to our skin from within.

If you live within an Exclusion Zone there is no constant onslaught of the frequencies to connect to the bio tech….. The people who live in those zones & the ones directly involved with this program live very healthy lives, they are not vaccinated for anything , ever, neither are their pets, & they take very good care of their bodies via exercise, diet, plenty of sunshine exposure mostly via frequency holidays abroad & they sauna & sea swim regularly if not daily & so do their dogs. I have watched them all at very close quarters for 5 years. & had the opportunity to listen to their conversations regarding all this. I do have to be careful with some of what I publish though for obvious reasons!

I do not post unless I am sure of what I am writing about this subject due to all the idiots they have on their payroll who love to troll!

& yes, whilst red light therapy saunas are very good for you, they do not have the same affect as traditional dry saunas on the bio film…. neither do steam saunas unfortunately…

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Aug 13Liked by Christina Gerrard

Your alternative view on the skin burning feeling is going to place me in deep thought these next few days. Thank you.

This bio-film I can assume probably decreases my benefit from the sun and may explain why so many people are popping vitamin d pills. Heck this, "Fear of the Sun" narrative might have more purposes than keeping us sick and giving money to sunscreen companies. They want their tech to keep working.

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I have been an avid sunbather all my life. As a small child we lived in Singapore until I was almost 5… I adored to be out all day in the hot sun!

As a teenager I was out all day skating along the seafront until tea time!

Then from my 20’s I would lay in the sun for hours … sometimes all day if i had nothing to do! Never burned.

Right up to 2010 when I had to move somewhere without a garden.

Then from 2011 I was badly targeted after digging up some dirt on these guys & then from 2020 I noticed the burning sensation on my skin after just a few minutes of laying out in the sun despite having a good tan from the tanning salon…. Its been the same ever since…

Everything changed after the Covid bullshit & all the extra towers went up all over the place.

The chemtrails are now mind bogglingly heavy & block most of the sun out except for sporadic days that seem too hot because we are not used to proper summers anymore due to the blocking from chemtrails!

The planet isn’t getting warmer…. only from frequency emissions! We don’t get enough sun for climate change. Its all a con.

Its definitely due to the bio film….all this skin burning sensation… I’m 100% certain.

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Thank you for sharing this!

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Aug 17Liked by Christina Gerrard

Paulette Coates has a substack where she goes into the rife frequencies that she runs on spooky 2 remote to keep her blood clear. Also, the Relax Sauna brand is the most incredible sauna I've ever used. And don't forget the 1000 pound pull force magnet under your pillow. North pole side up facing your head.

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I’ll check her out thank you…

As for the magnet… I used a 500kg fishing magnet on the base of my back in bed a couple of years ago which instantly alleviated a lot of pain & what felt like some sort of squeezing pressure…. Its a frequency they often used to use with me, but now its daily, all day & the magnet no longer does anything!

I use an anti nano triangle in the bath that I made as per FM8’s instructions on a modified Tony Pantalleresco invention… It helps to uncramp all my muscles whilst I’m in the bath with the triangle.

The frequencies they use to mess with the musculature system are aimed at the Fascia system in particular. This causes the most pain as its a separate organ all over the entire body & head & connects to all the bone structures… When overly tightened by frequencies it can cause untold misery & even pull joints out of place permanently.

My chiropractor was horrified when she realised what was going on!

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Were you able to explain to her the real cause of your muscular distress? I've been targeted since 2006, have attempted to inform caregivers what the cause of my medical conditions is, but without success.

2018, I drove from Wash DC to Greenbank W.VA. in January. Supposed to be an exclusion zone, but it certainly wasn't for me. There was no cessation of the V2K or electronic harassment.

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Aug 17Liked by Christina Gerrard

Cities of refuge, as they had to create in the "old testament"?! Thus, the biblical text became clear that "God will send them the spirit of error so that they will believe the lie..." And that "he will make everyone believe, only the elect will not make them believe..." I am not writing about religion here , but about the technique with which everyone can be fooled and made to believe, and which you have already written and we know.

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Aug 16Liked by Christina Gerrard

Im sitting outside by the water rn, my tinitus was ringing off the hook, crazy loud, i pointed my green lazer into the sky, brushed it around, after a sky trail, at first the beam was visible in a invisible haze, then the haze disappeared, and my tinitus dropped by 99%...there is definetely something significant about this...i encourage all to invest in a green lazer, a plug in unit will last longer than a rechargable, the www.laseros.com will probably have a profound affect. Green lazer skin treatments like www.emeraldgreen.com say it neutralizes lipids, it is, from experience, affecting the outdoor environment. We should have a movement of thousands or millions of people shining it in daytime where it cant be seen yet will treat the environment. I also felt something come off of my body, probably the shedding body. Pass it on.

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Aug 16·edited Aug 16Author

I just bought 3 green laser pens from ebay & amazon… I’ll see what they do! The cube is £900 I cant afford anywhere near that so hopefully the laser pens will help!

Any info you have would be very helpful though on the kit you have & price etc.

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Aug 16·edited Aug 16Author

Im not seeing anything at all on the emeraldgreen.com page. No links… no products… just one line telling me there are links & cookies!

Is it a laser pen you are using ? Or is it the cube thing>

How much was the unit you are using… How does it work... How do you use it etc?

I don't know anything about this so info to pass on would be very helpful.

I cant access the emerald site info at all !

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Aug 16Liked by Christina Gerrard

https://www.emeraldlaser.com 👈(correct address) Cold lazer, affects the lipids (fats), releases treated lipids (fats) to the interstitial skin layer, the interstitial layer is also where morgellons thrives. I got my $15 green lazer from amazon. It can be pointed into a empty switched on lightbulb socket and or a wall plug hole.

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Aug 16·edited Aug 16Author

Oh you are a little star! That makes perfect sense.

I posted a note yesterday with a video by a guy on instagram who showed a list of patents for frequency modulation weapons & one of them was for the use of our in-home electrical wiring systems to carry their harmful frequencies!

I have been telling people about it for 2 years but people find it hard to believe this is actually happening & has done since at least the 90’s here in the UK!

I bought 2 green laser pens to arrive tomorrow… I’ll be playing with them a lot over the coming days!

I also looked up the emerald laser machines they use in beauty salons for weight loss…same as you are talking about. I’ll need about £2000 to have a course of 8 to 10 treatments, so that will have to go on the far back burner unless I win the lottery tomorrow night!

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Aug 16Liked by Christina Gerrard



Two SS postings☝️regarding the application of IV GREEN LAZER, with 90% reduction of nano in 40 minutes. Validation is good👍, although self replication or unknown recontamination still happens👎.

Im a poor Targeted Individual church mouse too, so the skin treatment and lazer cube is on the future to-do list. Ha.

My curiousity also includes, what affect will a Browns Gas HHO flame have if it is brushed around the aura of a shedding person. Browns Gas HHO is water converted to a flamable gas. The HHO flame will characteristically become the temperature necessary to sublimate what metal it contacts. Given that graphene is a semi-metal, the shedding body has to contain all the ingredients of the jab (aluminum, barium, gold, graphene, etc) would the hho flame sublimate the shedding body, thereby reducing the load on the body and perhaps reducing recontamination by destroying the exterior shedding body. I asked a manufacturer if he would donate a $15k gen for this research, he is willing, so i can designate a free gen to a capable party. Ofcourse, before and after proof of concept complicates the matter. But there are labs that can detect aerosolized nano metals, bacteria, fungus. If you have any capable contacts to perform this application to destroy the shedding body via browns gas hho flame, kindly share this info with them, and i will send them the generator.✌

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Aug 16·edited Aug 16Author

The shedding isn’t due to any physical particles leaving the body… the shedding is in fact the Frequency Signals emanating from the bodies of the jabbed!

Those who were vaccinated are totally connected to the frequency grid system & they are connecting to the rest of us who are simply contaminated through food, water & chemtrailed air supplies!

We are all walking antennas connecting to the frequencies emitted from the towers & the HAARP grid systems. The jabbed can adversely affect those who are unjabbed due to their high frequency emissions that don’t ever stop!

There is no 'shedding' as such, but merely frequency transmission communications between bodies.... like putting two Apple iPhones side by side to transfer the data!

It works on the same principle.

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Aug 16Liked by Christina Gerrard

I understand, perhaps i am a rare guinea pig experiment, i did experience a questionable 3 months of amnesia, possible abduction. Regarding the "shedding body" i can take a roll of 10 disk magnets, separate and reconnect the magnets at my mouth or anywhere on my body, and roll the roll of magnets with my fingers, i feel an invisible stretchy meshlike body peal off of my skin. Wtf is that, idk, but i can feel it on other people too, and on my cats, and on my house...its everywhere. Given that graphene hydrogel has been identified in the chemtrails, and that it is nano (invisible) and that graphene hydrogel can be stretched out 1000 times its size, is what i believed to be the "shedding body". Thats why i want to do this micro experiment on the shedding body around people to burn it with HHO. It may not originate from the peoples bodies ie shedding, but it could more likely be the hydrogel chemtrailed fungus body coating everything, and enhaled into us, where it grows, bc it comes out by rolling the roll of magnets. The future hope, is to prove hho flame can sublimate it on or around a body or inside a room, then build an environmental hho industrial sized air filtering tower...as i have experience building from the bottom up, Industrial sized Hydrogen Sulfide H2S removal towers from the natural gas stream.

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Aug 16Liked by Christina Gerrard

https://open.substack.com/pub/420medicineman/p/photoresponsive-hydrogels?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android&r=2asesw 👈Another green lazer treatment for morgellons from 420medicineman on SS.

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I've just ordered some green light bulbs!

Thanks for sharing.

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People have no idea that millions have been purposely infected with the Morgellons bio tech for decades! The covid jabs were to ensure everyone that had never had vaccines, injectables through surgery or dental work, or pain jabs, flu shots, etc were fully fucked & connected to the tower & HAARP grid systems.

The food & water supplies & the chemtrails keep everyone topped up but it needs to be in the bloodstream & tissues to assimilate properly for replication.

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Aug 14Liked by Christina Gerrard

I always feel really good when I go to the Forest of Dean, specifically Symonds Yat Rock. It was interesting to note that there is no signal there and it used to be that there was no wifi either (to pay for parking). Dense forests definitely seem to offer some respite. How are you getting on with the Triangle?

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The triangle only works whilst I am in the bath, but it doesn’t stop the targeting. Unfortunately most things out there only give respite for a short time to those who are purposely targeted with frequency modulation equipment.

They are all very useful for people who are vaccine injured & / or sensitive to EMF exposure, but they do little to stop the onslaught of the frequency targeting.

Once you find something that actually helps the feckers simply turn up the frequency signals to counteract it.

its why I think they may be using RIFE frequencies in the Exclusion Zones… they work on a DNA level .

I will be experimenting with them soon. & then talking to Barrie Trower about them when I go to see him next time.

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Aug 15·edited Aug 15Liked by Christina Gerrard

So the triangle is useful then. I am using a magnetic pulser based on my thinking that it is a small EMP that I am hoping disables the nano to some degree. I say this because my head feels noticeably clearer after using it. How was Barrie when you saw him recently? That man is an Angel.

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Tell me more about this magnetic pulser please…

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He was really well… an extremely nice man… his wife is also lovely. They had me bring my dog Theo into see them for my meeting with him too & said to bring him with me next time!

We spoke about Theo being targeted too & Barrie confirmed that as well… He will be very upset when I tell him they actually managed to murder him at the end of July after 3 months of relentless pulsed microwave attacks.

It was like watching a cancer patient in their last weeks of life. Vets could find nothing wrong with him allegedly! But I knew.

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Aug 14Liked by Christina Gerrard

I found a device called Helios online last year, it emits Schumann frequencies to counter the harmful ones. I didn’t observe a major difference in heath issues, just better and deeper sleep. I was until recently in north west Ireland and can attest to the feeling of burning skin on the rare sunny day under the dubious stripped clouds.

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Unfortunately the Schumann, Tesla, Scalar, solfeggio etc sound frequencies will not stop the frequencies used to purposely target people… they only help with the effects of wifi & smart device emf exposure, but not at all if you are purposely targeted… The sick monsters at the helm of that program use different frequencies for that purpose.

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Aug 13Liked by Christina Gerrard

That's amazing! I've been wondering how 'they' are avoiding being affected by what they are inflicting on the rest of us. Something simple but well-thought out - exclusion zones!

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Yep… I was wondering exactly the same thing until I entered a “Zone” a sat down there for twenty minutes with my dog…. Then it hit me…. I had no frequency modulation symptoms & my tinnitus was barely noticeable… its been a living hell for the last 5 years, screaming, hissing, whistling non stop 24/7.

It was then I noticed my dog had completely relaxed too… I sat pondering all the other symptoms that had disappeared that were normally with me all the time 24/7… Then when we went back to the car & started to drive home I noticed a sharp return of all symptoms as we left the area….

I tested it repeatedly over several weeks. Always the same. Then I realised who was living in the area. I noted houses, car number plates, faces (some of whom I know are military & from the base in Helston).

Then I realised I had experienced similar things in other areas so revisited them all… then I found more.

Then I started correlating the “Zones” with the home addresses of known police officers & military personnel…then local government workers, & local council workers etc…

I took photo’s & videos as proof.

I watched them on the beaches in the “Zones”… I watched them with their families & pets.

I saw them use the sauna in the hotel on the beach, then take a sea swim for half an hour afterwards…every day for months with my dog!

I have no doubt at all with anything I have written.

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Hi. Will someone briefly explain to me what a 'sitter' is? Thx

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Do sunbeds help with the bio-film?

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Fascinating (thank you for sharing this tidbit of hope!) - I've not heard of this previously (but it makes sense and helps to answer the inevitable doubter's question, "well, if they're doing it to us, they're doing it to themselves, so why would they damage us or the planet?" It's apparent Schumann's resonance has been disrupted significantly - if you watch the (remaining) bees, birds and other insects (except the mosquitoes, which seem to be more hearty and fierce as well as plentiful)! Small wonder our bodies are feeling the drain and trying to sustain normal function in the frequency bath we live in the midst of. We have harmonizers (Aires Tech & the ones made by hand by Hope & Tivon) and have hard wired our home (no wi-fi_ use 4g flip phones (no Internet) -- sparingly -- and we do not have any other electronic devices other than the standard stereo gear and a smart TV that we've disabled and use only as a monitor for a microcomputer that we've hard wired to a modem that has no wi-fi, etc. And still we feel the drain. It would be well-worth publishing if you discover these zones in the U.S. - we are in the midst of pondering a move to be positioned somewhere (potentially) a little more amenable for when the SHTF and all of the globalist plans begin to emerge visibly. If an area that is otherwise desirable it's either in a nuclear strike zone, or the crime rates are high, or the cost of living is unreasonably higher, or there are climate extremes (exacerbated no doubt by the constant geoengineering being done daily) that are untenable in a grid down, every-man-for-himself situation. Escaping the EMFs (other than in the one designated town where it is forbidden and the police actually patrol with sensors to detect even the use of a remote control for a device being used in a home!) is certainly something that would advantage ANY quasi-survival, off grid chances a person might have, especially when the bands of roving mercenaries imported across the border by the millions now are assigned their infrastructure and human targeting /developed area seizure orders and the government gravy train runs out.

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It has nothing to do with the devices you use inside your house….. Its the blanket of frequencies that permeate every inch of the sky OUTSIDE your home that are causing the health issues & damage to all life!

The frequencies emitted from the towers are part of a weaponised & militarised program. Those towers are not there for mobile phone, internet, & tv reception purposes!

Our devices simply ADD to the problem…. not having them doesn’t solve anything at all apart from lowering the emf exposure from them inside our homes & right next to our bodies.

We are still being bombarded through every cell in our bodies by the frequencies from the towers.

The whole EMF protection racket is just that… a money making racket that protects very little but earns those selling all the basically useless products a bloody fortune!

They may lower the emissions from our devices, but they have absolutely NO EFFECT on the tower emissions that are doing the real damage.

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