This is incredible writing, Christina. Thanks for sharing it here. Tried to click like on the comments too but ss isn't letting that happen now, add that to all the glitches now on this platform.

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Not glitches.... Intelligence services monitoring & control!

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May 21Liked by Christina Gerrard

Absolutely fascinating and disturbing story. I take my hat off to you for the way you are able to relay it in a calm, measured and non-hysterical way. It is definitely more than plausible given the revelations I have discovered. My brother's toxic ex deffo had morgellons which messed her up and by association was bad for him. You provide insight to another dimension of the evil that preys on us all.

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Its been a very difficult journey of learning, constant research & investigations over the last 5 years, but at least now I am able to put things into perspective for others who haven’t had the same access to who is involved & how. Now its just a matter of detoxing as best we can until we also have access to what these bastards are using to keep it under control… which I can guarantee is as simple as a jab!

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ooh, We The People armed with live jabber-sticks in lieu of rifles...

that makes me smile!

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May 21Liked by Christina Gerrard

Good to know that grounding and healthy living can help us somewhat.

Thank you. Loved the thumbnail.

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Jul 21·edited Jul 21Liked by Christina Gerrard

High doses of doxycycline seems to offer some relief & in some cases a total remission of all symptoms, but its now become almost impossible to get it prescribed by GP’s as the government have tightened restrictions on giving it out. You have to be at deaths door with a severe lung infection to get it out of them now… I tried a couple of months ago with a chest infection & was told I wasn’t sick enough to warrant them prescribing doxy! I wanted it for the Morgellons bio tech … not my chest infection, wasn’t surprised he said “No”, but thought i’d give it a try anyway!

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Jul 21·edited Jul 21Liked by Christina Gerrard

Incredible! Even now I come across people that still can't fathom, nor accept that this type of Evil exists, even though there's plenty of official evidence to support it. Slightly off-topic but recently was reminded of Ingo Swann and his 'profile' and abilities tested by government. His esoteric artwork is extremely interesting, noting he was still under a government official secrecy contract, but many believe much of what was going on came out in his books. There appears to be a formidable force out there of total arrogance, possibly an undercurrent of despisement of women, and I'm no feminist, but the attitude from my observations appear to be growing.

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The British police force has been overrun with misogynistic sadists for at least 4 decades… They just cover it up….

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I wouldn't want to be married to one that's for sure...

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Yes… we are seen as simply cash cows, baby makers, submissive housewives & sex objects to be played with at their whim…. I have so much information on the police, intel services & military in this country for what they have been doing for the last 50 years!

They really are a disgusting bunch of sadistic perverts…

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Unfortunately have definitely seen that side of the equation.

I don't know much about the police et. al. At first I hoped 'they' having their own families to consider would turn and not be part of the tightening of the control grid, but sadly didn't realise how many of them were groomed for their role, and under oath.

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Jun 14Liked by Christina Gerrard

This https://rumble.com/v51iwpa and this https://rumble.com/v51iwqy the magnetosphere the very thing that protects humanity has become a stealth killer.

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Jun 15Liked by Christina Gerrard

In all things good and bad they tend to come in three's - galactic current sheet - solar micro nova - and this https://youtu.be/b0CchWATaFM

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Do we know we can have effective reliable weather modification with 120 volts of electricity fired from drones to electrify the air. https://youtu.be/b0CchWATaFM the combined voltage of these three is 2,035,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 -VOLTS 🤯

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Great paper Christina. Thank you for shedding light on this sad, but real subject.

My sister was gang stalked for about 2 years in Southern California.

May be some of the following will be helpful?

THE RADIO FREQUENCY INHIBITOR: https://raditek.com/the-radio-frequency-inhibitor/

Vehicle Mounted Radio Frequency Inhibitor System - https://brauninternational.com/product/vehicle-mounted-radio-frequency-inhibitor-system/

What You Need to Know About radio frequency jamming system - https://phantom-technologies.com/rf-jamming-equipment/

18 Best Low Frequency Noise To Annoy Neighbours: https://quiethall.com/low-frequency-noise-to-annoy-neighbours/

Sonic Mind Control on US Citizens - https://gregreese.substack.com/p/sonic-mind-control-on-us-citizens?initial_medium=video 5:00 minutes.

Comment by Spaniard fighting back:

Article on gang stalking equipment used. If you can get your hands on the same equipment, turn it around on the stalkers and fight fire with fire.

by: Starpeg - https://www.stopeg.com/forum/showthread.php?tid=46

I'm being gang stalked here, in Spain.

Gang Stalkers use low frecuency (LF band or lower) radio devices. This devices can act as Radar (so they can monitor you 24/7), so really they can watch you inside your house! They don't need to access your house and put hidden camaras and micros (too risky for them and their purposes). This device can have a 2 km range or more!. Â It can be switch from scanner to weapon mode an inflict a limited damage to your body cells. If you feel you're been monitored, try to buy a low frequency radio inhibitor. GSM or Wifi ones won't work.

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Thank you for this very useful information. I knew something was going on here at the university campus & that most of the senior management (if not all) at the accommodation centre & the security staff working on campus are involved. I have forced 2 of them to suddenly resign after working out what they were doing in the last 2 months!

Im away for a couple of days in about an hour but will check all this out when I get back.xx

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❤️ Hope and pray you and doggie are safe.

Hope doggie is better.

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Doggie had a relapse a few weeks ago after I posted a few things! He is now eating again but is still having diarrheoa…2 months now.

Im moving off campus in 2 weeks & giving up my degree… I’m then going to do some specialised training for 6 months or so… I have things under control.

I wont be online for that time as there aren’t enough hours in the day & I need to focus on what I will be doing. I will check in probably every few weeks so if you want to get hold of me send me a message & I’ll get back to you.x

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You go Christina! I am praying for you and doggie.

I am off too because I hurt my leg 3 days ago and it is getting worse, more painful. I have to stay off of my leg.

Lots of love, blessings and good wishes for you and doggie.

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& to you my lovely… hope your leg gets better very soon. xx

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this must be that juicy piece you promised to post after it got deleted in your chat??

What can i say Christina? i'm onboard with you. and i believe the intensity of the targeting runs parallel to your public reach. A.I. has made sure i have zero reach, gmail blocking new clients and important conversations, but allowing a small few farmer types to reach me and me to reply. Tech frequently freezes, links don't open, installs don't complete. For 2 years i phone was deleting my contacts - daily - starting with the people i know longest and worked with in healing or political actions. Just that was crazy-making, and recovering those contacts on a daily basis wasted lots of time!

i wonder if i was seeded by early vaxxes for a neurological disability that causes agonizing destabilization of my bones and soft tissue atrophy, and if they are using that now to disable me on a regular basis.

i too am a longtime holistic healer with a strong spiritual connection, but agony and enforced stillness curled up on ice in ways i can circumvent the pain exhausts the reserves AND THE EMOTIONS.

i HAVE felt the holes in my left auric field - much better now - but i was like a one-sided leaking sieve!

Even the best of us can be taken down by relentless pain and repeated trauma, loss, and dismissal.

i DO feel better when i can get into the woods for a couple days without any devices, and commune with the trees, hummers, and lizards.

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This actually isn’t the replacement for the deleted one… that will come in a few days or so … I made it a bit longer with much more info just to piss them off!

Communing in nature is a brilliant way to keep the targeting effects in check…. I also find classical music to be particularly good at shutting their shit out!

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May 24Liked by Christina Gerrard

Christina ( deeply sorry for your trauma ) one of many if we take the past 4 years. Not wanting to sound harsh nothing compared to what may come on a global scale - https://rumble.com/v4x734c-current-sheet-moon-plasma-half-speed-muted.html by my maths 14 to 15 days away from Le SOL.

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That’s very interesting David…

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May 27Liked by Christina Gerrard

https://youtu.be/3wMWff6IZBA ( frequencies )

https://youtu.be/ZuPjMYIyFSY ( ditto )

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May 25Liked by Christina Gerrard

Yeah sorry totally off topic.

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deletedMay 23Liked by Christina Gerrard
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May 23·edited May 23Author

Ok… you need to make sure you don’t say anything about this to doctors or any friends you share with him…. His goal will be to gain custody. They will try to mess with your head with the frequency modulation equipment. Do not speak to neighbours about what you believe is being done…. they are often used as operatives & are paid very well for this... New cars, new cash flow, holidays, investments, new garden revamps, house decorations & improvements etc with no obvious signs of where the money came from to pay for it all.

You can usually tell which neighbours have been recruited (it may be just one close household, or several, depending on the particular ‘job’)… as they will have police officer/s visiting every few weeks or so. if they are related to cops they are more than likely involved.

Don’t get paranoid… they have frequency programs to heighten these mind states…. simply see it for what it is… A mind game controlled with the use of frequency modulation equipment. Most PI's are ex cops or ex military & involved with this business so be careful...they will take your money & simply give you BS.

Your ex has a goal of getting custody… don’t give him or the idiots he works with any ammunition. Try to carry on as normal… Arming yourself with the knowledge of how this is all done is your best defence. The pain they can cause with this equipment is unfortunately a little harder to control… as are the physical symptoms, but keeping your head together & grounded is PARAMOUNT to survival.

Its a business they are involved in. The original program was created for intensive surveillance of people & it later spiralled into many other different money making sidelines… Targeting is just one of them.

Cops & military will often target their exes to get custody of kids or to ensure they don’t lose their assets which are often kept secret from spouses. The spouses who know what is going on before the break will often just be eliminated or paid off to keep quiet… it depends on the circumstances… but most will just be placed into the targeting program & uploaded to the voyeur websites for profit.

In the late 90’s all houses & buildings etc were connected to the main cyber grids via the electrical & telecommunications wiring systems inside them for blanket audio surveillance…. Therefore allowing anyone & everyone to be closely monitored from within their private surroundings… it was invented for intelligence services surveillance purposes to monitor crime, terrorism, government activities, diplomats, embassies etc. Now it is used to broadcast people live in their homes on dedicated websites if they are targeted. Its part of a huge world-wide virtual reality business run by intel services men.

Try getting yourself an anti nano triangle for the foot thing . link for this is in my notes… one from FM8 & another from his friend that I posted a couple of days ago in my Notes.

Its a particular frequency causing it. as with all the other symptoms people experience… they have hundreds of different frequencies to cover everything! mental & physical.

knowledge is key to survival. read through my posts for info on what this is all about. I will upload a piece at some stage over the next couple of weeks outlining detox protocol I am using… My dog is being heavily targeted at the moment & Im in the middle of arranging to move so don’t have time yet…. Remember… keep your head in a good place & continue as normal…. don’t react to things… they will try to keep you stressed out & reactive. Its all part of the drive to break your mind.

Stay positive… get a couple of new hobbies. if near sea go swimming REGULARLY.. high salt helps to detox this shit!

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deletedMay 23Liked by Christina Gerrard
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May 23·edited May 23Author

This is what they do unfortunately. Take out a restraining order… ask the court who made the custody order to prevent him coming to your home… Its harassment & should be classed as such. The bio tech on belongings can be sprayed with a solution of sodium borate (borax). The tech itself needs to be ingested to do damage. Everybody is already fully infected with this stuff...its how we are being targeted now...from within our own bodies via the 5G network & the cyber grid system. The only way to stop it is to detox & use apparatus to deactivate the tech so it can't communicate with the grid.

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deletedMay 27
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May 27·edited May 27Author

Everyone has been infected with the bio tech... Its all the same bio tech....nobody has been infected with a special designer type...its all the same... we are just affected differently depending on what 'frequency programs' they are using to mess with you.... & some are more sensitive than others.

It has been in chemtrails for 40 years at least, in the food & water supply for at least the same amount of time, & all vaccinations & injectables. People having routine & emergency surgeries have been illegally injected with this stuff... its called morgellons. The early phases of this bio tech caused severe physical reactions.... blistering lesions that wont heal, visible coloured polymer fibres growing out of the skin, crawling sensations under the skin etc... the sufferers were firstly purposely misdiagnosed & labelled a psychotic & delusional... That was in the 1980's... Its military & intelligence services bio tech that goes hand-in-hand with the frequency modulation equipment that is used for physical & mental torture. This goes back to the Tesla inventions at the end of the 1800's.... The nazi's were experimenting with all this during the war!

The Morgellons was perfected some years ago & is now mostly symptom free externally so people have no idea they are harbouring this stuff inside them. It causes all kinds of health issues, couple with the use of the frequency modulations...

Your ex is part of the ground level teams torturing people.... you will be one of many victims handled by that team.

I suspect that they are using the frequency modulation to affect your mental & physical reactions to things in order to prevent you from living freely & normally... this will involve giving you physical reactions to certain things or people or places to make you believe it is that particular thing or person that is affecting you when in fact it is just frequencies that are being transmitted that are affecting you r ability to discern the truth. The frequencies can & do cause all kinds of physical & mental reactions.

If I were you I would unpack... not worry about what may or may not have been placed or sprayed onto your belongings... give them a good clean with a solution of 3% hydrogen peroxide (this is also used to clean pool water & is excellent at killing bacteria etc.), & try not to worry.

It is an unfortunate FACT, that once we are properly infected with the bio tech it then connects our body & brain to the frequency modulation control centres through the 5G network cyber grid & this means you can be played with mentally....it can cause untold reactions & mind game scenarios. They are 'programs'... These programs can be customised for each particular victim accordingly but are all based around the same things essentially.. . Control, fear, confusion, stress, distress, paranoia, pain, torture, isolation, illness, disease, etc. They may play with your head to ruin your reputation or your job or your relationships. They may play with your body, particularly the genitals which seems to be a favourite ! They also like to torture people with massive amounts of pain, usually in joints & muscles, hearing issues & tinnitus, migraines, hair loss, teeth loss, sight loss, electric type shocks to the spine which are in fact nerve hits that then instantly cause the muscles surrounding that area to go hard as rocks to protect the spine or the hips which is another favourite! The list is endless. This body torture is all achieved through the bio tech inside us being connected to the 5G grid... its called morgellons & consists of a lab created mixture of mold & fungus spores, self assembling nano bio tech & a few other living organisms. It proliferates in the gut before multiplying & then spreading throughout the body, crossing the blood brain barrier & assimilating itself across all systems of physical functions. Its what was in the fake covid vaccines & its why they pushed so hard for everyone to get jabbed!

You need to fight what they are doing to you with this program.... it is simply a way to control your life & make you unhappy...it will also be affecting your relationship with your child... You really need to either move away altogether or get a restraining order so your ex is prevented from coming to your home.

Go see your aunt for a couple of weeks & have a break with your son.... it will do you both good... unpack & spray your stuff with the peroxide solution before you go knowing it will all be clean for when you get back....

You need to eliminate all thoughts of your stuff being contaminated...its a mind game. treat it as such. Spraying it will act as a tool for breaking the mind control.... once its clean its clean, end of!

Your physical symptoms & the stress your beliefs are causing you are all simply part of the frequency modulation mind game program... please believe me... I really do know what i'm talking about.

The sooner you accept that its just a mind game played with some very sophisticated equipment the sooner you can start living again as best you can until the bio tech is brought under control inside you & its connection to the grid is severed. The borax will not work on its own.

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Michelle, i hated clicking the LIKE button here when i'd prefer a raging icon.

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deletedMay 23Liked by Christina Gerrard
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