Feb 19Liked by Christina Gerrard

2/19/24. 3:40 am HST.

I just came across your e-mail dated 2/18/24.

Dr. David E. Martin, it’s all about Vaccine=bioweapons…

Elana Freeland says It’s more like 6G, 7G, or more. Can’t trust the Media Nazis...

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Feb 19·edited Feb 19Liked by Christina Gerrard

Each new layer of technology seems to be another layer of weaponry. David E. Martin is a transhumanist. The clues are there.

On David E. Martin: https://rickyrants.substack.com/p/the-curious-case-of-david-e-martin

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Feb 19Liked by Christina Gerrard

Thanks for the additional information for my continuing education.

Everything we are learning is like reading a spy novel. It is truly mind boggling.

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It's really wild.

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Feb 19Liked by Christina Gerrard

Thank you. I have wondered.

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We are already up to 6G & 7G (G = Generation) Technology the Generation of this technology has to do wit the Band Frequency that these technologies have to operate efficiently in.

2G-4G operates in 700 MHZ-2.6 GHZ range

5G operates in the 3.4 GHZ-3.8 GHZ range

6G operates in the 96 GHZ-3 HZ range

7G operates in the 1 THZ (was considered the "No Mans Land Range") This was considered dangerous by the Government; There are no regulations to control this technology and with Starlink and all the satellites going up in space they need this Band Frequency

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Yes... & its already having a hugely detrimental affect on millions of people... that's what the covid scamdemic was dreamt up to hide!

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Feb 24Liked by Christina Gerrard

Last night Elana Freeland sent out a email blast, reporting she was targeted again by EMF. It affected her vocal cords, she couldn’t talk…no touch torture, as she calls it. She listed many other painful injuries. This occurred while she was home. Frequency Wars.

She also warned of the D-wave,ELF 4Hz.

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I will be doing a post in a few days about this Larry... its all to do with the electrical wiring systems ... frequency emissions emitted from them & the 5G+ Wi-Fi networks.

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Mar 14Liked by Christina Gerrard

I'm so furious. The invasion of our bodies is beyond any level of anger I can even put into words. Even more maddening - most the ppl I try to explain this to think I'm crazy! Can't hardly blame them - it's so sci-fi and sinister - it's almost beyond comprehension. Then we're overwhelmed with so much information - being pulled in every direction- only to find out it's mostly false and we're being intentionally lied to and misled.

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Unfortunately this 'misinformation campaign' has been going on since all this shit was brought into play... it was intentionally launched at the same time to instil a set of belief systems in the greater public to prevent detection of the real agenda. Its been a well practised method of population control since before biblical times!

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Feb 20Liked by Christina Gerrard

Which lady were you referring to in your comment earlier?

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I deleted the comment as it was mistakenly added to this feed... It was a pasted comment for another post!

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Feb 19Liked by Christina Gerrard

Which woman?

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What are you referring to?

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