Jun 26Liked by Christina Gerrard

Well, THAT was certainly interesting. Looking forward to more of your writing, especially steps to take to recover our world from the monsters, whoever and whatever they are.

I found a few things so far:

1. Constitutional Sheriffs and Peace Officers Association. Very basic. Already successful.

2. Always use cash, everywhere possible. That makes it harder for the evil to shove CBDC down our throat.

3. Go LOCAL in everything, especially voting.

4. Cook your own food and you can get organic for the same or less than the microwaveable overprocessed stuff most Americans eat.

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I’ve updated it slightly!

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Jun 26Liked by Christina Gerrard

The Hidden Hand writ large.

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Jul 23Liked by Christina Gerrard

Many people get deceived by this tech. They start believing what they hear. You can't believe anything that you hear and sometimes not even what you see with your own eyes. I'm like you. I don't believe any of it and can spot their con artists coming a mile away.

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Jul 23Liked by Christina Gerrard

I came to the same conclusion myself. It is all the government. Until proven otherwise.

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fascinating story Christina! Much fodder for recapitulation...

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Jun 27Liked by Christina Gerrard

I agree that we need to take back control. To take back control we need to know who has that control. There is the military, spy agencies, much of law enforcement, most of the politicians, etc. Their number is not small. How about all the devices, nano-robots, chemtrails, high powered lasers, bioweapons (medicine), etc.? We need to stop, disable all of this. Until we have a solid grasp of these satans and all their methods, it is unlikely we will regain control. Where is our battleplan and who will lead us into battle? Time is short and we have exposed just the tip of the iceberg.

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Jun 27·edited Jun 28Author

This entire program is run by ONE organisation… It encompasses all the above.

The military, Intelligence services, police, government ministers etc. are all the ground workers… they oversee the programs & enforce the laws passed through the legal system.

The men at the top of those particular forces & organisations are all masons…33degree masons.

Above them are the Investors… the money men… the same group that have been (secretly) ruling our world for generations.

Their money keeps things ticking over…they make the ultimate decisions as to what our fates are to be, depending on how much money it will make them & how much control it gives & allows them to keep.

Then we also have the separate business ventures of the hierarchy of the military, intel services & police etc…. I have described those business interests at length in my proper posts.

Until enough people wake up to what is being done to them through blindly accepting all the rules & regulations & directives these monsters have set in place for everyone to exist by we will have no power over our own lives; & sickness, disease & poverty will continue to reign.

No one person can lead… we can teach & educate each other & then come together as one force to take back control, overthrow the dark forces that permeate our infrastructure, & then create a spiritually minded coherent existence across the planet which encompasses respect & free will for all.

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Jun 27Liked by Christina Gerrard

Christina, thank you for the excellent breakdown of the enemy forces. One cannot do battle against an invisible enemy. If you can, and dare, to be more specific, that would be helpful. Name the names, the organizations, the companies. If nothing else it would alert the patriots not to trust or patronize. We inadvertently give much aid to the enemy by not knowing who they are. Knowing your enemy is an important first step in defeating them.

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I have named them as above.... Police, military cyber intelligence, Intelligence security services, government ministers etc. All our infrastructure is now involved at the top levels with this program. Its why some people seem to find it impossible to get help from the police, or are bullied out of their jobs for no reason, or find it impossible to get help with housing, or are ignored by the local MP's for parliament etc.... Every single government run organisation, including medical, is now on board with this program... If they are in a position of authority within that particular organisation its 95% certain they are corrupt & involved with these monsters & their programs.

I have personally named some of them in previous posts. I will be naming & shaming many more soon... I dont have enough hours in the day at the moment & am trying to start court proceedings.

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right now we only have Light on our side, FF. and ourselves, and eachother.

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