I believe the Government used DEW's to burn Lahina in Maui, HI to the ground

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Aug 14Liked by Christina Gerrard

There is evidence for it!

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The police has become the extension of the military. And that's is not constitutional and in violation of the law. They have military grade weaponry directed at unarmed civilians. Both are thus guilty of TREASON. Concentration of power in the executive branch. Standing armies

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Starmer's "Standing army"

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Aug 14Liked by Christina Gerrard

Just listened to this talk by Barrie Trower. So upsetting, what is being done to people and what can actually be done. It's not just the 'vaccines' causing cancer or miscarriages then. The frequency modulation can cause these plus a multitude of other problems - personality changes, increase in violence and aggression, hearing voices - attacking certain areas in your body (as you've experienced, Christina)- the list goes on.

I am so sorry about your poor dogs and hope they are ok now. The sheer spite of these men is astounding. What chance has humanity got? There must be a way of combating this but what can it be? It's the children I am concerned for most of all.


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Aug 14·edited Aug 14Author

Thanks Monica… I will restack Barrie’s talk for others to see… Sharing our posts & information is the only way to get the information to as many people as possible as most of us are being shadow banned to stop our posts coming up in the main site feeds on all social media platforms… They don’t want people to know the truth!

Unfortunately I had two dogs murdered by these men, the first in May 2018 & the second just a few weeks ago. My other two dogs had to be rehomed last year due to being nervous wrecks after years of targeting & a few break ins to get to my evidence documents & recordings!

I have now adopted another rescue dog... this one will be much better protected as I think I've figured out a way to counteract the frequencies they are using but need to check it with Barrie first before I buy the apparatus.

I'll keep everyone posted though.

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Aug 14Liked by Christina Gerrard

My dog is 13, he jumps up all the sudden like he’s being shocked, he looks all around & eventually lays back down. This happens a few times a week, it’s breaking my heart. Is the apparatus from FM8?

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No... I built myself an anti nano triangle that I use in the bath to give some relief for the muscle cramping that the frequencies cause 24/7! It does nothing to stop the targeting though.

The triangles are great for ordinary EMF & Bio Tech relief & detox, but they don't work against being purposely targeted.

The apparatus I'm going to be testing once I've spoken to Barrie is RIFE frequencies that work through your DNA. I believe these are the same frequencies that are being used in the "Exclusion Zones". They not only work for Morgellons bio tech (the bio tech inside us all now is Morgellons) its been a huge cover up for years.

It also works for many other things related to frequency exposure & targeting, but I need to know which kit to get to ensure I get the best results...then I will publish my findings.

I'm sorry to hear about your poor dog... its definitely frequency hits he is picking up. If you are not a TI he must be picking up the signals in the surroundings... if not your home then maybe one close to you.

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Aug 14Liked by Christina Gerrard

Having done my own deep dives with Sabrina Wallaces’ info, I do know more of the capabilities of the tech being used for these quiet wars with silent weapons.

I don’t understand your statement about being porn stars though? Could you please expound on that?

“There are a myriad of offshoot businesses being run by these men off the back of all this military grade equipment, not least of all in the internet voyeuristic & virtual reality sex trade. And WE are the porn stars on their sites.”

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They have been using military & intel services surveillance spyware equipment for decades to film & capture audio inside peoples homes. The footage is then uploaded to websites for private members only to view for a monthly fee. They can download for an extra fee.

it started in the 1970's with intel services & police sharing things they recorded during 'stake outs' amongst themselves if it was 'juicy' enough... Free porn essentially.

Then as the technology grew more sophisticated they moved on to much bigger & better enterprises. Its now a world wide multi million pound internet business for their members.

Military grade Millimetre wave technology that sees through all walls in homes & buildings... there are sites dedicated to watching people in their bedrooms, bathrooms, kids rooms...you name it they cater for it.

From at least the 90's British Telecoms communication wiring inside ALL homes & buildings has been used by the intelligence services for internal monitoring of us all.... If they like you you get a starring role!

Someone commented on one of my notes the other day that she had read recently that the most popular porn stars these days are married couples who have no idea they are being recorded inside their own homes... The voyeuristic sex industry is huge & run by these monsters...all police & military, both retired & still serving.

I hope this explains it succinctly enough for you.

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Thank you for the detailed response, Christine! I had no idea about this capability of the electrical lines having the capacity to record from. This is mind blowing actually! I knew the Wifi along with the LED lights could map a home but to be recorded in the bedroom for broadcasting to sex addicts is a whole other level. All your work is greatly appreciated!

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Sep 16Liked by Christina Gerrard

Me again, I forgot to ask, what the heck is Congress , doctors, non corrupted police waiting for to do something about this? Is it because of the money? Well, they are going to except it's time to quite now ! It has to be done! It seems like no one wants to shut them down! What are they scared of? They made plenty of money if that's what everyone is getting and don't want to see it stoped! Well if so to freaking back and how unmature and selfish! Ok I'm done now!

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It is government funded! The ones not involved with this program are powerless to stop it.

It started over 80 years ago.

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Sep 16Liked by Christina Gerrard

Thanks for all this info. ! Very helpful! And I'm so sorry about your little dogs and what you experienced! These dirt bags need to stop! I can't believe people getting off doing this to people! I guess they feel so shitty about their selves , they have to do this sick shit to feel like somebody?! I think some people should do it to them for a little bit to see how they like it! Oh boy do I!!!! Only evil people can think of this to do to people ect.! Thanks again!

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Sep 6Liked by Christina Gerrard

Will this meeting be with Barrie Trower? If so, can you please ask him something ? I would be so greatful.

I hope for more details about his comment in an older interview he had done. Specifically, he said

" If you want to cause a specific psychiatric illness, you would have an infrared device that followed the person and you would link it to a pencil thin microwave source, so the microwave beam would always Target a specific gland or organ continuously, let's say a gland in the body at a set frequency to produce a specific chemical that will produce a specific biochemical response in the brain. " He also stated something about how it only works if they are stimulated permanently or intermittently. I would like to know what the IR device could be, if it can be sheilded, and if the pencil thin microwave source could be an implant of some sort inside the person's body. The pulsed heat is coming from above. I went into the Appalachian mountains where there is no cell service, no wifi, no people around for miles and miles. The pulse vibration never stopped once.

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The frequencies do not rely in wifi signal. They can be from aircraft… satellite…space stations.

A lot of information will eventually make its way into the public arena over the coming year regarding all of this….. I will ask Barrie specifically about this as it is pertinent to ALL targets, including myself & my family.

The space systems have been in operation for decades…..

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Aug 27Liked by Christina Gerrard

thank you for sharing the truth, may God bless you and fill you with peace, healing, love and a soundmind. if you ever need prayers my youtube page is dedicated to helping TIs and SRA survivors. realize that this is a form of satanic ritual abuse, alot of TI's are direct descendants of King David... take a second to read the Psalms and ask yourself what does it sound like? David was targeted and gangstalked too, it's an ancient program of persecution. It is biblical, and it is satanic abuse. All of the apostles, disciples, prophets, and even Messiah (Christ) Himself was targeted by this ancient evil, it actually began in the garden! I can break all of this down for you sometime if you are interested, but I'm going off on a rant now, so i'll just leave the link: youtube.com/@OwlPsalm <-- tons of prayers for TIs and SRA. May the God of peace rule and reign in your heart and mind.

Romans 16:20 The God of peace will soon crush Satan under your feet.

The grace of our Lord Jesus be with you.

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The TRUTH is that this is, in fact, a very long running psychological warfare program run by the British “Tavistock Institute” & the American “NSA” agency & its been going on for about 80 years since the end of world war 2.

It has absolutely nothing to do with Jesus, King David’s descendants or any other religious or royal figurehead.

I have researched all this for the last 5.5 years & interviewed & cross referenced with experts who have all confirmed what I am saying.

I will be posting on this very subject in the next few weeks.

The Tavistock Institute are solely responsible for ALL targeting, together with the NSA. Its a team effort.

The British & the NSA signed a contract right after the war to research psychological warfare strategies & effects & it has never stopped. It now includes the use of frequency modulation AND bio warfare too.

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i know about that stuff as well, but there is a spiritual warfare aspect of this that goes back to the Garden of Eden, and the Great Tribulation is coming and without Jesus Christ as your Messiah you will have to go through it, it will be magnitudes worse than what it is now, just ask Him He will reveal Himself to you if you have a humble heart <3 The Gang Stalking program is ancient. The Egyptian Book of the Dead, written by Horus, son of Ra (Satan), outlines the ancient formula for an undetectable mind-controlled slave, a "how-to" for Gang Stalkers. It is from this ancient Satanic Egyptian text that Freemasons derive their Gang Stalking methods, which they call the "Silent Dagger" or the "White Glove Treatment". It describes rituals that involve methods of torture, harassment, and intimidation to create trauma, the use of potions, and the casting of spells, ultimately resulting in the total enslavement of the victim.

One ritual that would become the prototype for MKUltra's Project Monarch was called a rebirth ceremony, and involved a victim that was buried alive with a corpse and exhumed once the victim used up the limited oxygen. Upon exhumation, the victim was promptly "resurrected" (medically resuscitated). Also described is the method of sorcery by which a Satanic Gang Stalker (Freemason) is ritualistically possessed by a demon.

Solomon, founder of Freemasonry, was corrupted by his foreign wives. His first wife was the daughter of an Egyptian pharaoh, through whom Solomon learned of the Egyptian Book of the Dead.

TIs have another ancient text at our disposal, an ancient book that gives deprogramming instructions that can free us from The Program (Spiritually) : the Bible. Believe it or not, the Holy Scriptures were written more with Targeted Individuals in mind than non-Targets, and the authors were Targeted Individuals, too.

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Those who are targetting people should understand that this may not only affect the ones they target. Take for example people who are unable to sleep well at night and are maybe kept awake in many days. This is dangerous for not only themselves but the whole society in general. A person who doesn't sleep well can be a danger to the same people targeting him or her as well as their family and friends especially if the targetted person drives or works in a hospital. It is easy to make mistakes while driving as well as when working with people if one doesn't sleep well. Then what happens? Low productivity at work ,accidents, bad working environment, and those targetting others can also be affected. This Targeting can be a danger to the whole population and it has to STOP

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